We also have information on SAY SOMETHING in the middle menu bar of our website https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/say-something-tips/
The link has a video and let's you know how you can support our campus.
Attention Parents!!!! We need you! Please make plans to attend our PTO kickoff meeting on September 12, 2024 @ 6pm.
Get ready for CLUB RUSH Week! Sept. 3-6 , 2024 in lobby area during all lunches.
Enjoy life by making connections OUTSIDE the classroom. Meet and develop friendships with students who share your passion. Ideal for students with a passion for drama (acting, thearte), book readers, crafty kids with hands on projects, prom committee & outdoor adventures.
Lee Co. Health Department will be holding an Immunization/Vaccine Clinic for school-required vaccines September 9th-18th. Call the Health Department at 919-718-4640 to schedule your student's appointment. Appointments can also be scheduled with your medical provider's office
Grades will not be posted until August 29 at the earliest. Lee County Schools is one of the first districts to implement Infinite Campus, as selected by DPI. With the migration, teachers will not be able to enter grades until late next week.
On August 24, 2024, from 2pm–6pm Lee County Schools will be hosting a Last Chance FAFSA event for the class of 2024. Current seniors (class of 2025) are encouraged to attend an informational session at 2pm Located at the McSwain Center on August 24, 2024, from 2pm to 6pm
An opportunity for families of CO '24 seniors to complete FAFSA on site with help, with food and door prizes for those that attend. Current Seniors (CO '25) are encouraged to attend an informational session at 2pm. Located at the McSwain Center on August 24, 2024 from 2pm-6pm
Please ask your Cavalier when is their Fall lunch. Student are only able to use their cell phones during class change or at lunch. Please help us protect our instructional time in the classroom.
Class of 2025. Your Senior Year begins on Friday, Aug 16 at 6 am in the stadium. We'll celebrate the beginning of the year TOGETHER. Bring a blanket. Donuts provided. Let's make these memories together.
Senior Sunrise is this Friday, August 16th at 6:00 am. Bring a blanket. Enjoy doughnuts.
The Lee County Board of Education honored the recipient of the state's first ever English Language Development (ELD) Recognition Award, Mrs. Paola De Avila, the English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher from Southern Lee High School. She is a tremendously active part of the community at Southern Lee and critical to student success, particularly for newcomers to the country and community. Congratulations to Mrs. De Avila!
As we look towards the first day for our traditional calendar schools tomorrow, we are glad to remind you that ALL students can receive FREE breakfast and lunch at every LCS Campus for the 2024-2025 school year! No forms are required! We are glad to be able to provide this service for our students. #LCSthrive
The Campus Student portal is working and can be accessed by students now using their NCEdCloud username (Student ID) and password.
The link to get connected is at https://www.infinitecampus.com/audience/parents-students/login-search. The QR code below will take students to the link. Students should search for Lee County and then select "Parent/Student" and then "Campus Student."
Information regarding the Parent Portal will be published soon. Parents must follow a different process to connect to their child's account.
Students and Parents should begin using our new Lee County Schools, NC app as this is our new method to communicate with you. Follow the simple directions and stay connected with everything Cavalier!
The Southern Lee open house has been moved from Wednesday, August 7th to Monday, August 12th from 6:00-7:30 PM.
New members are encouraged to join our PTO! It does not matter if your Cavalier is a new freshman or graduating senior.
Southern Lee Dress Code
Please be mindful of the policy regarding the use of cell phones in the high school.
Did you know that students who are 18 years old on or before election day can vote in the upcoming election?
Voter registration forms are available to all students and others who are eligible to register or preregister to vote at all high schools.