LCS Celebrates School Board Appreciation Month in January 2024

The month of January is designated as School Board Appreciation Month across the country. School boards are tasked with such a critical role in the educational process, and many times the work that they do is thankless. We are better because of the contributions of our school board members, past and present, here in Lee County. So, we wanted to take this opportunity to let you get to know our seven school board members a little better with this ‘Take 5’ Q&A!

Take 5 with Sandra Bowen

Q: What do you like most about being a school board member?

“The opportunity to have input into the education that our children receive.”

Q: What makes Lee County Schools so special?

“Lee County is a diverse and beautiful place, and its schools reflect the diverse tapestry of cultures present in our county. The teachers and staff are fully committed to taking the children as far as they can go.”

Q: What moment or action(s) are you most proud of as a school board member?

“Celebrating our students’ achievements from Governors School to Head of Class. It is so important to cheer on our faculty, staff, and students.”

Q: If you could enroll in any class offered in our school district, what would it be and why?

“That one’s tough! I would do it all! Spanish, Theatre, Culinary, Coding, all of it. These opportunities didn’t exist when I was in school.”

Q: What is something that not many people know about you that you do not mind sharing?

“I am the first in my family to get a college education, and I truly believe that education is the key to escaping poverty and catalyzing growth.”

Take 5 with Eric Davidson

Q: What do you like most about being a school board member?

“What I like most about being a school board member is being part of an outstanding team of board members and dedicated professionals in our schools and Central Office committed to the success and achievement of our students in whatever pathway they choose for their lives!”

Q: What makes Lee County Schools so special?

“I believe Lee County Schools are special because of the people in our community who support public education and give their time and talents to see all of our students have the best chance possible to succeed in life, especially our certified staff, classified staff, and Central Office staff.”

Q: What moment or action(s) are you most proud of as a school board member?

“I am so very proud of our current School Board and how we have blended our talents and abilities, veteran board members and new board members, and worked together for the betterment of public education for our students and staff in Lee County!”

Q: If you could enroll in any class offered in our school district, what would it be and why?

“There are too many classes to choose from, and I would want to enroll in all of them because I am a lifelong learner and want to learn something new every day, especially if I don't have to take tests and write papers!”

Q: What is something that not many people know about you that you do not mind sharing?

“I was the first in my family to earn a bachelor's degree (and a master's degree).”

Take 5 with Chris Gaster

Q: What do you like most about being a school board member?

“I think the best thing is having the satisfaction of being able to help all children in Lee County.”

Q: What makes Lee County Schools so special?

“It is because of the people and the special traditions of families across this county.”

Q: What moment or action(s) are you most proud of as a school board member?

“There are two for me. Changing the school calendar, to let students finish their exams before Christmas. The other is fighting to keep Critical Race Theory out of the school systems.”

Q: If you could enroll in any class offered in our school district, what would it be and why?

“I would love to take some of the Career and Technical Education courses, particularly those in construction technology. I would love to take plumbing and electrical courses. Even if you are heading to college, it gives you some skills you can do with your hands.”

Q: What is something that not many people know about you that you do not mind sharing?

“I guess many people do not know that I love the coast. I love to go deep sea fishing. Once upon a time, I caught a hammerhead shark. Things like that are just moments you always remember.”

Take 5 with Patrick Kelly

Q: What do you like most about being a school board member?

“Being a former educator, I know it is not always the easiest job to be in education. It is knowing you have made an impact on students’ lives can be so rewarding. Through all the good times and bad, you continue to persevere and provide education to students of all backgrounds and abilities.”

Q: What makes Lee County Schools so special?

“I have seen what makes Lee County Schools special from the perspective of a student and as a staff member. As a student, I saw the dedication of the teachers and staff, and once again, I saw the dedication of teachers and staff when I had the privilege of working with them. It was also then I got to see what truly makes Lee County Schools and that is the students. The students are why we do what we do. The students are truly the future of our society and our community. Education is powerful and the key to the world for anyone who wishes to explore, so we have to be ready to harness that power and provide the means for it.”

Q: What moment or action(s) are you most proud of as a school board member?

“It is hard to choose just one. I am proud of all our schools and the success they have in the classroom and outside the classroom. The one action I am most proud of is the reopening W.B. Wicker. That school has so much rich history with our community, and now we will continue to make that history and provide a unique opportunity to those who attend it by offering our STEAM curriculum.”

Q: If you could enroll in any class offered in our school district, what would it be and why?

“My family would push me to take cooking courses. I would push my younger self to once again take as many trade classes as possible. Trades and skills are so important to our society today. But I honestly would love to go back to kindergarten to see the world through the eyes our future generation and for nap time and snacks.”

Q: What is something that not many people know about you that you do not mind sharing?

“Many years ago, while in the 5th grade at Broadway Elementary, I did an interview with The Sanford Herald and one thing I have never forgotten that I mentioned was that I grew up on a farm and never wanted to farm at all. Fast-forward to now and the one thing not many people know is that I have taken over the family farm and changed careers to carry on that tradition. Funny how things work out.”

Take 5 with Jamey Laudate

Q: What do you like most about being a school board member?

“I enjoy working for the teachers, administration, and staff. We really have the best people in the business, who are focused on getting the most academically out of each and every student.”

Q: What makes Lee County Schools so special?

“We have some incredible students doing some amazing things. LCS students are getting accepted to Ivy League Schools, competing nationally in robotics competitions, and we have an incredible number of first-generation college students every single year. We have students active in the construction trade, in ROTC, in the arts, in extracurricular clubs, in athletics, in internships. Every student can pursue their passion and every student has a path to success through Lee County Schools.”

Q: What moment or action(s) are you most proud of as a school board member?

“Changing the school calendar and the superintendent search are very memorable. But I think I'm most proud of the committee created to strengthen budget communication with County Commissioners throughout the year. I don't think that's been done in a while (maybe ever) and I think it will improve resource allocation and Lee County School's partnership with the county.”

Q: If you could enroll in any class offered in our school district, what would it be and why?

“It would definitely be one of the culinary programs. Ask Kelli or any of my kids -- I need help!”

Q: What is something that not many people know about you that you do not mind sharing?

“I love construction. Residential, commercial, renovation, all of it. I spend almost every day at work behind a keyboard, so working with my hands relaxes me. I worked in construction during high school, and it not only taught me lessons that I apply to this day, but it gave me a great respect for the construction trade. I usually have 2–3 projects going on somewhere... ask me about them if you see me.”

Take 5 with Alan Rummel

Q: What do you like most about being a school board member?

“Having the opportunity to use my experience and skills to help bring improvements to a school system that has an impact on thousands of children and families.”

Q: What makes Lee County Schools so special?

“The staff. Students in Lee County Schools aren't just a number, they're truly cared for by staff at every level, inside the classroom and out. It's been really inspiring to see and hear the genuine concern expressed for the students by every staff member I've talked to, regardless of position.”

Q: What moment or action(s) are you most proud of as a school board member?

“I think the school calendar update is something I'm most proud of as a board member because it was a chance to exercise local authority to make a real change that is, without a doubt, a benefit to our students.”

Q: If you could enroll in any class offered in our school district, what would it be and why?

“Masonry. Of all the DIY skills I've picked up over the years, masonry isn't one of them and I wish I knew the basics. That’s not something that’s easy to learn by watching YouTube videos.”

Q: What is something that not many people know about you that you do not mind sharing?

“My wife and I have been together since middle school and attended the 8th grade dance at West Lee in 1999. That picture is on the wall at my in-law’s house.”

Take 5 with Sherry Womack

Q: What do you like most about being a school board member?

“I like serving on a team that supports our children and the community. I really enjoy hearing the students and parents bragging about their schools but my favorite part is when the schools invite you to events. It means so much to have a community that trusts you with their most valuable treasure- our children.”

Q: What makes Lee County Schools so special?

“That would take a whole page. The dedication of the staff and community to our children would be short answer however there is so many reasons Lee County public schools are unique. Lee County schools have something to offer EVERY student. Our students do not just survive they thrive and learn life skills that go beyond textbooks and classrooms.”

Q: What moment or action(s) are you most proud of as a school board member?

“Hiring Dr. Chris Dossenbach was the greatest moment in over 7 years on the board!”

Q: If you could enroll in any class offered in our school district, what would it be and why?

“Definitely something in one of the Arts. I have great respect for the staff and how they connect with students. The way the faculty appears to reach individual students in various ways to help them showcase their art is often breathtaking in Lee County. Watch a play, chorus, or exhibit at one of our schools and you will see the heart of our students.”

Q: What is something that not many people know about you that you do not mind sharing?

“The Army had to make special boots my size and my first degree was not in medicine but law enforcement.”