Dr. Chris Dossenbach takes his oath of office as he is sworn in as the new Superintendent of Lee County Schools

On Tuesday night in front of a standing-room only crowd in the Jimmy L. Love Sr. Board Room, Dr. Chris Dossenbach officially took the oath of office to serve as the next Superintendent of Lee County Schools. As a graduate of Lee County Schools and serving his whole career in the district, his excitement was palpable and the warm reception of those in attendance was clear.

Read his full address to the district from Tuesday night below:

"Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, friends, family, Board of Education members and fellow citizens of Lee County,

I stand before you tonight with immense pride and profound gratitude as I am sworn in as the Superintendent of Lee County Schools. It is a humbling experience to return to the very place that molded me into the person I am today.

As some of you may already know, I am a proud product of the Lee County School system. I walked the halls of Jonesboro Elementary, ventured onto East Lee Middle School, and finally graduated from Lee County High School. These schools not only provided me with a world-class education but also instilled in me the values that have guided me throughout my life. I know firsthand the incredible potential of our students, and I am deeply committed to ensuring that each and every one of them has the opportunity to succeed.

Dossenbach addresses the crowd at his swearing-in ceremonyMy family's roots run deep in this community. Throughout my life, I have witnessed the incredible support and love that our citizens have for Lee County. It is my pledge to leverage these relationships to make our school system even better. Together, we can build bridges of communication, collaboration, and support that will benefit our students and our entire community.

As we embark on this journey together, I want to share with you our district's three core goals that we are committed to achieving. First, we will focus on increasing academic performance. Our students deserve the best education, and we are determined to provide them with the tools and resources they need to excel.

Second, we will work tirelessly to retain and recruit high-quality teachers. Our educators are the backbone of our school system, and it is vital that we support them in every way possible. Without their dedication and expertise, our students' success would not be possible.

Finally, we will strive to increase parental and community engagement. Education is a collaborative effort, and when our parents, community members, and school system come together, there is no limit to what we can achieve.

Furthermore, as we envision the future of Lee County Schools, it's crucial to recognize that education is not only the key to personal growth but also a cornerstone of economic development. A thriving school system is intricately linked to the prosperity of our community. By investing in the education of our students, we are investing in the economic vitality of Lee County. I am excited about the prospect of working closely with the business community to forge partnerships that will benefit both our students and local businesses. Together, we can create a dynamic ecosystem where a well-educated workforce meets the demands of an ever-evolving economy. As we build bridges between our schools and the business world, I am confident that these collaborations will foster innovation, create opportunities for our graduates, and contribute to the continued growth and prosperity of Lee County. Let us embrace this partnership, recognizing that a strong education system is the foundation upon which economic success is built.

Before I conclude, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude. To my incredible wife, Daysi, and my two wonderful children, Jackson and Lucas, thank you for your unwavering support. You are not just witnesses to my journey; you are active participants, sharing in both the triumphs and challenges that come with this role. I am acutely aware of the sacrifices you make so that I can wholeheartedly dedicate myself to the betterment of Lee County Schools. Your resilience and understanding during late nights and weekends dedicated to the service of our community do not go unnoticed. As we embark on this collective endeavor, I want you to know that your love and support are the driving forces behind my commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of our students and their families. You are my rock, and I am deeply grateful for your enduring strength and the sacrifices you willingly make for the success of this shared journey.

To my grandmother, my parents, my siblings, stepparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and all of my family and friends who are here tonight, your support and love have shaped my journey in immeasurable ways. Your presence here is a testament to the strength of our family.

I must also acknowledge the dedication of our educators in the district. The hard work, passion, and commitment that they bring to the classroom each day are truly commendable. Thank you for all that you do for our students.

To my fellow superintendents in the room, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to be here tonight.  Your support, guidance and insights have already proven invaluable in my journey to this role.  I appreciate your warm welcome into this esteemed community of educational leaders and I look forward to continuing to learn from each of you.  

And to members of the Board of Education, thank you for your unwavering support and confidence in me to lead our school system. I am truly honored to work alongside a group of individuals so dedicated to the betterment of our community. Together, we will navigate the challenges, celebrate the successes, and make a lasting impact on the future of Lee County Schools.

As we embark on this transformative chapter for Lee County Schools, let us carry with us the shared commitment to excellence, unity, and the boundless potential of every student. Our goals are ambitious, our challenges are significant, but I am resolute in my belief that, together, we can overcome any obstacle.

In closing, let this moment be a testament to the power of collaboration, compassion, and the unyielding spirit of this community. I am not just here as your superintendent; I am here as a passionate advocate for every child who dreams of a brighter future.

Thank you, from the depths of my heart, and may God bless Lee County Schools with a future filled with promise and prosperity. Together, we will not only achieve greatness but redefine it for generations to come."