Taking drama in high school can be important for several reasons, as it offers valuable benefits that extend beyond acting skills. Here are some of the key reasons why drama is important:
1. Enhances communication skills
2. Boosts confidence
3. Encourages creativity and problem solving
4. Improves public speaking and presentation skills
5. Provides an outlet for self-expression
But let’s hear directly from students in the program who explain why theater so important to them
"Theater is very important to me for a wide variety of reasons; namely my mother worked at and was very passionate about theater. Most of the earlier stories I watched were plays and theater recordings, and some of the most genuine feeling acting I've ever seen were in all those plays."
~Mathias Pike 10th grade
"Theater is important because it pushes you out of your comfort zone and makes you explore things you regularly would not. It also builds your confidence and makes you more social in a way, since you work with so many different people. It improves your quick-thinking skills and makes it easy to control your own emotions more effectively."
~Alexa Vega 12th grade
"Theatre’s important to me because it helps me in positive ways. I don't really talk much, but when I'm in theatre, I have to speak up. There are also so many nice people in my class."
~Nasire Jones 12th grade
"Theatre is important to me because it makes me more confident. It helps me overcome my stage fright. Theatre helps me express my feelings and emotions and connect with new people."
~Selena Juarez 11th grade
"Theater is important for me because I get to spend time with my mom doing something we both enjoy. It is always fun to do things with her."
~Hope Davis 10th grade