Genesis is a dedicated student-athlete at her high school, balancing her passion for tennis with her academic responsibilities. Known for her relentless work ethic, she spends hours on the court honing her skills while also maintaining a strong GPA. She first started playing tennis at the age of 6 after being introduced to the sport by her Dad. She grew up playing on the courts of the Boys and Girls Club. However, by the age of 10 it was obvious that her perseverance was paying off and she began entering local tournaments.
She currently plays in two tournaments a month and practices daily. Her commitment to both her studies and the sport has earned her respect among her peers and coaches alike. The discipline in tennis has helped her succeed in her studies despite traveling to Fayetteville most days for a 2 or 3 hour practice. This has helped her in managing multiple priorities and staying organized, a skill she says that incoming freshman need to develop. As a senior, she plans to earn her Associates degree locally before transferring to UNCW or NC State.
Our school is thrilled to have its first tennis player reach the state playoffs. She earned 3rd place in the 3A state championship held earlier this month. “I’m proud and honored to be the most decorated tennis athlete in Southern Lee history” she noted. Whether it's early morning study sessions or late-night practices, Genesis exemplifies the determination and discipline that define a true student-athlete, inspiring others to strive for excellence both on and off the court.
Even if you’re a beginner, see Ms. Vicki Wilkins or Mr. Fred McIver about the boys or girls tennis team.