CUWAC Emma Fjeldsted

Let’s catch up with Ms. Fjeldsted

How long have your taught at Southern Lee High School?

 “This is my first year as a school counselor at SLHS and as a school counselor ever!”

What did you major in at College?

 “I did my undergrad at Utah State University where I received a BS in Psychology with a minor in Social Work. I then attended UNC Greensboro for my masters in School Counseling and graduated May 2024!”

What made you choose the college you attended?

 “I attended Utah State University because it’s a family school. My parents and siblings all graduated from there and both my parents are working there, so we are a major Aggie family! I went to UNC Greensboro for my masters since it has such a reputable counseling program, and I was up for an adventure.”

Favorite team, hobby, sports, etc.?

“I am originally from New York, so my favorite sport team would have to be the New York Yankees. I love running, working out in the gym, baking, cooking, and reading”

What kind of driver were you when you got your license?

“Pretty anxious, I crashed a car on the driving range when I took driver’s ed!”

What song brings you back to your high school days?

“Cake by the Ocean by DNCE, class of 2016”

What are your must have apps on your phone?

“Pinterest, Spotify, and Google Maps”

What advice would you give the parent of a freshman?

 “High school is SOO NUCH BETER than middle school! It definitely goes up from here”

What’s on your bucket list that you’ll actually do?

 “Travel to places in Europe that I haven’t been and some in Asia”

In how many languages can you say “hello”?

“Probably around 5”

How many times did you move to a new school? How does this affect how you work with new students?

“Once I moved from New York to Utah when I was ten. I think it helps me be empathetic and relate to students who move to a new place”

What fictional character do you identify with most?

“Angie from Shark Tales”

If you had $5000 to give to charity, where would you send the money?

“Any foundation that helps students with learning disabilities”

Last show you binge watched?

 “One Tree Hill”