With a mindset of talent development, West Lee Middle School seeks to recognize potential in all student populations. Recognizing that gifted behaviors may be evident in a student’s aptitude, academic performance, motivation or social interactions, West Lee Middle School is committed to providing an academic, intellectual and social/emotional support system so that students may reach their full potential by matching service with the students’ identified abilities. In partnership with parents and the community, West Lee Middle School will identify, develop and serve gifted potential in students.
AIG Program Goals
Identify academically and intellectually gifted students equitably across subgroups in order to provide appropriately differentiated learning opportunities. Develop gifted potential in students.
Differentiate and enrich the core curriculum to challenge advanced learners in their identified area(s) of strength as part of an overall educational program that supports excellence for all students.
Provide information regarding opportunities to earn licensure in gifted education so that teachers responsible for teaching gifted students acquire and develop an appropriate base of knowledge and methodology in gifted education.
Set high expectations for academically and intellectually gifted students and support their attainment of knowledge, skills, and work habits to promote their becoming lifelong learners and productive members of society.
Provide appropriate counseling and support services to assure gifted students’ social and emotional well-being is addressed.
Provide opportunities for gifted students to spend appropriate time with other students who are similar to themselves in order to foster cognitive, academic, and social growth.
Provide additional support to develop “gifted behaviors” in students who may not be maximizing their abilities or who may be under-represented in gifted populations.
Provide young students (K-3) with access to an appropriately stimulating and challenging education to shape their learning habits and challenge and develop their abilities.
Use an identification procedure with multiple criteria to appraise student needs for differentiated service(s).
Contact Information:
**For more information about AVID, please visit: WWW.AVID.ORG**
Contact Information:
English as a Second Language
The English as a second language (ESL) program provides academic and social English language instruction in speaking, listening, reading and writing to English learners (ELs) in grades K-12. ESL instruction integrates the topics, and vocabulary from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study in social studies and science, mathematics and language arts with the language functions of the North Carolina English Language Proficiency Standard Course of Study in order for students to achieve social and academic proficiency in the English language. The program supports all teachers' efforts to differentiate instruction in order to best meet the needs of these students. Some of the goals of the ESL program in Lee County include:
Closing achievement gaps for students identified as English learners (EL).
Providing appropriate, equitable services and opportunities to all English learners and their families.
Increasing family involvement for culturally and linguistically diverse students.
Providing high quality professional development on strategies and effective models of instruction for English learners