Welcome to West Lee Middle School

Home of the PRIDE!

Quick Facts

Grades: 6-8

Mascot: The Pride

2024-2025: 539 students

Average Class Sizes by Grade:

6th: 153

7th: 177

8th: 209

West Lee Middle Improvement Plan

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Aimee Petrarca - Principal of West Lee Middle photo

A note from the Principal, Mrs. Aimee Petrarca

Dear West Lee Families, 

I am Aimee Petrarca, and I am the new principal at West Lee Middle School.  I was born and raised in Lee County.  I was a West Lee yellow jacket from 1987-1990.  I am thrilled to be here and to be part of the journey in a school that I have always loved.  West Lee was a wonderful place for me to learn and grow as a student.  I am eager to be part of that legacy for your student this year.  

I began my career in education in 1998.  I was a teacher for many years.  I loved teaching and growing students.  As my career grew, I grew to love teaching and coaching teachers.  That led me to the path of school administration.  While I love what I do, I sometimes will pop into a classroom to share a lesson, a story, or just remind students of my expectations for excellence.  I have never met a student that could not grow with the right expectations and guidance.  

I run a tight ship.  We have a monumental purpose in schools.  The business of learning is critically important to the future of every student in this school.  For that reason, the school must be safe, supportive, caring, inspiring, and focused.  Your students should come here every day knowing that they will learn and grow.  Teachers will come here everyday knowing that the tools they provide each day will impact the future success of their students.  

In my experience, partnerships between home and school provide the very best opportunity for your students.  We will have high expectations for your students just like you do.  We are invested in their success and growth.  It is my honor and privilege to serve at West Lee.  Please reach out if I can be of any assistance to you as we prepare your child for their future.  I cannot wait to see what we can all accomplish together here at West Lee Middle School. 

Our Mission

The mission of West Lee Middle School is to provide a safe learning environment in which all students are nurtured, held to high expectations, and are equipped to be productive members of society. 

Our Vision

West Lee Middle School will work collaboratively alongside students, families, and the community to create an environment that is safe and nurturing. We are a school in which ALL students are afforded the opportunities to learn, grow, and gain the skills needed to be successful in school and beyond.

Our Purpose

Our students will be prepared for high school and beyond.

Contact Us

3301 Wicker Street, Sanford NC 27330

Main: 919-775-7351

Fax: 919-776-3694

Office Hours: 7:30AM-4:00PM

Meet the Administrative Team

Other Information: