Student Transfer Request 2024-2025

Beginning March 15, 2023, all release applications from Lee County Schools will require Board of Education approval.

The Board of Education meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of each month.

Lee County Schools will again be using an online transfer/district release request procedure.  The link at the bottom of this page will direct you to the location of the required forms.  You will select whether you are requesting an in-county or an out-of-county transfer.  Both employees and non-employees will be using the same form.  As in the past, you will need to submit a request form and a behavior agreement.  If you are residing outside of Lee County,before a transfer can be completed you will need to obtain a release from your county of residence and upload it from the online site.  All required documents are available online. 

Please remember all non-employee out of county transfer requests require Board of Education approval and the possibility of a tuition payment.  The deadline for submitting a transfer request is March 31, 2024. You will receive a decision of your request by April 30, 2024.  If you disagree with the transfer decision, you have a right to appeal to a panel of the Board of Education. You will need to submit a written notice of appeal to the Assistant Superintendent of Auxiliary Services within 10 days of receipt of the transfer decision.  Appeal hearings will be scheduled prior to the beginning of the school year.   

For all high school students wishing to transfer, please complete the front side of the Principals’ Concurrence Regarding  transfer form and upload it with the other required documents. Your request will not be processed until this form is received.   

If you have any questions regarding the process, or these forms, please call 919-774-6226 and ask for the auxiliary services department.  Please click here to access the 2024-2025 transfer/district release forms.  

If you are moving to Lee County from another county, please do not complete a transfer. You will need to complete the enrollment form for the school in your district. 

If you are moving within  Lee County  to a different address, please do not complete a transfer. You will need to withdraw your child from the school he/she has attended and enroll him/her in the new school of residence. 

If you have any questions, please give me a call.

Angie Stone
919-774-6226 ext.7263

Email Mrs. Stone

Schools Closed for New 2024-2025 Student Transfers

At or Above 90% Capacity

The following Lee County Schools are closed for new transfers for the 2024-2025 school year. 
Any transfer request into these schools will require the approval of the Lee County Schools Board of Education. 

Elementary Schools Closed for New Transfers; 

Middle Schools Closed for New Transfers:
SanLee Middle School

High Schools Closed for New transfers :
Southern Lee High School