Science Education in Lee County Schools

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Vision for Science Education in LCS

All students will receive a relevant, world-class science education fostering curiosity for lifelong learning in a safe and supportive environment.

Science Contact

Crockett Headshot

Dillon Crockett

AIG & Advanced Learning Coordinator (6-12)

Science Curriculum Specialist (K-12)

Email Mr. Crockett

P: (919) 774-6226 ext. 7204

Science Standards

Students at all grade levels and in all science courses will learn science as prescribed by the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, which you can view on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction website.

The standards were most recently updated in 2023, and the most significant change is that all teachers are now working to engage students in science through the eight Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs), which are now embedded within each objective in the North Carolina Standards.

Science Opportunities in LCS

We additionally offer several special opportunities in Science Education in Lee County Schools, including:

  • STEM Resource Classes in Grades K-5 at Broadway Elementary School and in Grades 3-5 at W.B. Wicker Elementary School

  • Science Olympiad at all elementary, middle, and high schools (see more information below)

  • Specialized science elective courses at our high schools, including: Anatomy and Physiology (LCHS and SLHS), Marine Science (SLHS), Zoology (SLHS), and Forensic Science (SLHS)

  • Advanced, college-level science courses at our high schools, including: AP Environmental Science (LEC, SLHS, and LCHS), AP Biology (LEC and SLHS), AP Chemistry (SLHS), AP Physics 1 (LCHS), IB Environmental Systems and Society (LCHS), IB Biology (LCHS), and IB Physics (LCHS)

For descriptions of these courses and more, view the LCS High School Registration Guide.

Science Laboratory Safety

Safety is the number one priority of all science educators in our district. In accordance with NC State Board of Education Policy SCOS-017, we train on and implement a Chemical Hygiene Plan to ensure the safety of all teachers and students who are working and learning science in our science classrooms. See below for the most recent version of our district Chemical Hygiene Plan.

LCS Chemical Hygiene Plan (2012-2013)

LCS Hazard Communications Program

CCCC Chemical Hygiene Plan (2012-2013)

Science Olympiad

We provide students at the elementary, middle, and high school levels the opportunity to compete on Science Olympiad teams, and we are very proud of how our students do at the tournaments each spring!

Visit the NC Science Olympiad website to learn more about the organization and its competitions for students.

Look up your school's Science Olympiad coach to see who to contact about joining your school's team.

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Celebrating LCS Science Educators

We are incredibly proud of our science education professionals in Lee County Schools! Check out some of their accomplishments and accolades from recent years below.