Secondary Math Curriculum Specialist (Grades 6 - 12)
Phone: (919)718-2400, ext. 2152
All students will receive rigorous, engaging, and student-centered instruction so that they not only learn how to do the math, but understand the math they are learning. Through the use of mathematical reasoning and critical thinking, modeling and representation, and making connections to the real world, students will develop life-long learning skills in problem solving and communicating mathematically.
Phone Number: (919) 897- 5400, ext. 4796
All math courses in LCS are taught using the content standards from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS). Specific grade level and/or mathematics course content standards can viewed on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction website.
Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs) are also embedded in each of the NCSCOS mathematics content standards. The eight SMPs focus on what it means for students to be mathematically proficient and empowers students to use math and to think mathematically.