Literacy in Lee County Schools

Families: If you need Literacy or English Language Arts support, contact your child's school—your student's teachers and librarians want to partner with you.

  • Literacy at Home via NCDPI Link

  • Why Literacy Matters Link

All English Language Arts (ELA) courses in LCS are taught using the North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS) content standards. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction website shows specific grade level and course content standards.

Our department is dedicated to the Science of Reading for our early learners and research-based Literacy practices to support all students' reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.

the reading rope

(Pictured Above: Scarborough's Reading Rope)

LCS Literacy Department Vision:  All students will engage in a comprehensive English Language Arts education where they express their voice in a safe and supportive environment.

Here are some additional resources regarding literacy education:

For Auditory Learners

We also have support in the LCS Curriculum and Instruction department dedicated to this important work. (Link to the District C&I Page with Course Guides, etc.)

Joy Velasco
For Early Literacy, PreK and elementary questions, contact Mrs. Joy Velasco, our NCDPI OEL Early Literacy Specialist: