Career & Technical Education Director
106 Gordon Street
PO Box 1010
Sanford, NC 27330
Email Gary Hart
Career and Technical Education (CTE) in Lee County Schools

CTE 101 - What is Career & Technical Education?
The Shift From Vocational Education to CTE
Success in the New Economy
Meet the Team

Gary Hart

Mr. Jeremy Stack
Lee County High School
106 Gordon Street, Sanford. NC 27330
919-776-7541 ext. 2207
Email Jeremy Stack

Karen Brown
Career & Technical Education Administrative Assistant
106 Gordon Street
PO Box 1010
Sanford, NC 27330
Email Karen Brown

Mrs. Carrie Womack
District CIMC (Interim)
Southern Lee High School
2301 Tramway Road, Sanford. NC 27332
919-718-2400 ext. 2213
Email Carrie Womack

Ms. Julie McNeill
District Middle School CDC/SPC
Email Julie McNeill