Accessing School-Based Mental Health Services

School-Based Mental Health Services are available through the school mental health program at Lee County Schools to students, families, and faculty/staff.

Our services are dedicated to providing comprehensive, strength-based, developmentally appropriate, data-driven, youth-guided, and family-focused mental health services. 

 Services available for faculty/staff include:

  • Consultations and collaboration

  • In-service trainings 

The School-Based Mental Health Team reviews referrals on a weekly basis during the school year to ensure students receive indicated services and support in a timely manner. Information for the referral is obtained from the student, family, teachers, counselors, social workers, and other individuals working with the student and family.

To make a referral, click here. Complete the online referral form in its entirety and click submit. Once the referral has been made, someone from the School-Based Mental Health Team will contact you to share the referral's outcome and possible next steps.

For questions regarding Lee County Schools School-Based Mental Health Services, please get in touch with the Mental Health Coordinator, Dr. Trysha Mazzola, at

Services Available for Employees

Consultations and Collaboration

In-Service Trainings

  • Mental Health First Aid

  • Trauma Training

  • Burnout Training

Employee Resources

Employee Assistance Program

On Demand Videos

Services Available to Students

Individual Assessments

Individual Recommendations

Student and Family Resources

Personalized Treatment

Treatment Services


Individual Therapy

Group Therapy

Crisis Intervention

Individual School-Based Mental Health Therapy

Lee County Schools offers short-term individual or as-needed mental health therapy to students. Parents/guardians or school staff may refer students for mental health therapy or students may request therapy. There is no fee for school-based mental health. School-based mental health therapy services can include: a consultation with parent or guardian, classroom observation, group support, one-on-one therapy, crisis intervention and/or education. If it is determined that your child would benefit from continued therapy for a longer period of time,  increased frequency, or a highly level of care, referrals will be provided for additional support outside of the school system. 

School-based mental health services are short-term services aimed to improve academic, personal, and social-emotional development and are not intended as a substitute for diagnosis or treatment for any mental health disorder. School-based mental health services are provided by a licensed clinician in the state of North Carolina or someone undergoing training to become licensed.

Group Mental Health Therapy Services

Groups provide a place where students can come together with one another to share problems or concerns, to better understand their own situation, and to learn from and with each other. 

Some of the benefits of groups include:

•    Learning how to communicate more effectively, including how to express your feelings and thoughts

•    Learning about how you interact with, impact, and are perceived by others

•    Experience a felt sense of acceptance and belonging

•    Discover that you are not alone in the difficulties you are experiencing

•    Enhance your ability to make decisions & solve problems by hearing ideas from others

•    Benefit from the experience of helping other group members

•    Gain encouragement by observing the success of others 

Crisis Intervention