Student Services

Mission Statement

The mission of the Lee County Elementary School Counselors is to provide high quality, comprehensive school counseling services to all students.  Our programs are designed to help students develop and enhance their cognitive, socio-emotional, and career development. Through leadership, advocacy, and collaboration, we will facilitate competence in the areas of communication, character, problem solving, career and self awareness, goal setting, and relationships.

Vision Statement

The Lee County Elementary School Counselors envision a program which is data driven, student centered, and easily accessible to all.  Our vision is that through this program, all students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become contributing members of society.

Character Education at B.T. Bullock

 Each month we will focus on a different character trait. We accomplish this by integrating character education into guidance lessons and through our schoolwide PBIS program. There will also be a cart in the media center with books relating to each month's topic for students and teachers to choose from. I encourage you to ask your child what character trait they are learning about.

School Nurse-

Mrs. Erica Dowdy

Counselor's Corner

Mrs. Sullivan

School Counselor

Hey there Bengals!!  My name is Rachel Sullivan and I am SO thrilled to be back at B.T. Bullock as the school counselor for another amazing year. I grew up in Lee County, and I went to B.T. Bullock as a student.  I graduated from East Carolina (Go Pirates!!) with a degree in Special Education and a Master's Degree in School Counseling.   I love spending time with my family, watching football, reading a good book, and traveling to new places.  One of my goals is to travel to all 50 states that make up our great country.  So far, I have been to 31 states!

As a school counselor at B.T. Bullock, I want to maintain a safe, fun, and welcoming environment for all students. My goal is to help each child realize their full potential, and help them chase after it! College and career readiness, emotional support, and educational support will be the primary building blocks for my counseling program this school year. I will use individual, group, and whole class sessions to implement this counseling program.  

I am so looking forward to working with the students, families, and staff of BTB! If I can EVER be ANY assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me!  I am available throughout the school day through email and phone. 

I am ready for a great year!

Rachel Sullivan
School Counselor

Email Rachel Sullivan
919-718-0160 ext. 4554

Our Character words of the month