Mission and Standards
Vision Statemet:
Leading Students to Success
Mission Statement:
Bragg Street Academy will work with students to address their academic and social-emotional needs to help find their strength, paving the way for growth.
Standards and Expectations
Helping Students Choose Success
We Believe
Education is the key to future success.
All people should be treated with respect and kindness.
Conflicts can be resolved peacefully.
Bragg Street students and staff members are confident, positive and intelligent.
BSA Standards
Be prepared to work.
Refrain from inappropriate speech.
Always follow directions.
Go where assigned.
Give respect.
Schoolwide Focus
Increase student achievement.
Enhance and maintain a safe, orderly and aesthetically pleasing environment.
Applied Control Theory.
Positive Behavior Support.
Personalized Education Plan.
Reminders of Some Basic Rules
Mask should be worn above the nose and over your mouth throughout the day.
All students should remain in the class.
Bathroom times will be scheduled by your teachers.
Phone use in the front office is for emergencies.
Cell Phones are not allowed on campus.
Breakfast and Lunch will be served in the classrooms.
No book bags on campus.
No personal electronic devices (laptops) are allowed on campus as of 4/27/22.
Reminders of Dress Code
Masks should be worn throughout the day.
Hats will be collected like cell phones at the door.
Hoods should not be worn in the classroom.
No Slides.
No Blankets.
Pants pulled up.
Shorts and Skirts at fingertip length.
Holes in your pants should be below the knee.
Reminders of Non-Negotiable Rules
No lighters on Campus
No Vapes on Campus
No Drugs or Alcohol on Campus
No fighting on Campus